The wheelchair bag performed SUPERBLY, for not only did it contain and carry all my needed items - including a light jacket - for a full day at Disneyland, on a separate occasion, it also was able to hold my laptop bag with TWO laptops, one of which has a 17" screen!!! Granted that the laptop bag had to be inserted vertically ("portrait" orientation, if you will), the fact remains that the wheelchair bag exceeded my expectations!!!
The following two comments apply to the presentation and packaging:
1) The laminated "Thank You" card was a nice touch and actually unexpected. Your words, beyond your expression of thanks, exuded care and warmth as evidenced by, "We hope your Vive Health product finds you in good health and high spirits. If not we hope it helps you get there." How can a person not help but smile after reading such sentiments, AND from a BUSINESS? I have a VERY SMALL suggestion for the next time you print more of these cards. Consider inserting a comma after, "If not." Regardless of what I am certain was an inadvertent oversight, the fact remains that the sentiments were APPRECIATED!
2) As for the packaging, I was PLEASED when I saw that it was a "ziplock" type of bag, which means that I can reuse it. In the interest of being able to better repurpose such a bag, my preference is to take off all labels. With a large label as yours, perhaps consider not using a sticky label but instead, have it inserted into the package just like your "Thank You" card. Of course, I CAN simply turn the bag over (and use that side as its new front), but my preference is to use a bag that I can strip completely and cleanly of all labels. With this approach that i am suggesting, perhaps your customers will be more inclined to reuse / repurpose the bag, and that could add up to less throw-aways in our landfills. (Of course, people can recycle it instead of throwing it away.)
Thank you, Vive Health, for the SUPERB product of your wheelchair bag!!!