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Woman yoga pose

Yoga Poses to Open Tight Hip Flexors

Tight hip flexors can weaken or shorten over time from lack of stretching and sitting for long periods. Yoga for hip flexors will stretch this muscle group, PSOAS muscles, strengthen your core, and increase your range of motion. Check out the video above from Certified Yoga Teacher, Natalie Williams or keep scrolling to find our favorite beginner and advanced poses below.

Beginner Yoga Poses

Here are some beginner yoga poses to release your tight hip flexors.

Bridge Pose

Start off laying down on your yoga mat with your feet flat on the ground close to your bottom, hip-width apart. Relax your glutes and lift your hips off the ground using your tailbone. Continue to raise your hips off of the ground until your shoulders are slightly lifted up. Then clasp your hands together under your back.

Crescent Lunge

Start off standing and placing one leg forward and one leg back into a lunge position. Place your fingers under your shoulders on either side of your front leg. Keep your back leg straight while you are leaning forward. Raise your torso up, placing your hands onto your front knee. Keep the back knee slightly bent, then lift your hands up over your head with your palms facing each other and holding the low lunge.

Camel Pose

Begin by kneeling on your mat with your knees hip-width apart. Place your hands on your lower back with fingers facing down. Exhale and slowly push your hips forward while bending your head back to look up. Drop your hands down to your ankles and let your head drop back.

Advanced Yoga Poses

Once you’ve mastered the beginner yoga poses then you can move onto these more advanced poses.

Dancer’s Pose

While standing come onto your right foot shifting your weight onto your right side. Reach back with your left hand and grab your left foot. Press your knees together and reach your right hand straight out in front of you. Lean forward keeping both hips facing downward and extend your left leg back.

One-Legged King Pigeon Pose

On a yoga mat position your body with your left leg straight back behind you and your right leg in front with the knee bent. Reach back with your left hand and grab your left foot while bending the knee and pulling in the left foot. Turn your body back to face forward and lift your left elbow up. For an extra stretch reach with your right hand and grab the left foot as well.

Revolved Side Angle Pose

Begin by placing the left leg forward with your left foot flat on the yoga mat. Drop the right knee down. Slightly twisting your body, put your right hand flat down on the ground on the outside of your left foot. Straighten your left arm over your head and lift your right knee off of the floor. Pivot your back heel onto the mat and turn your gaze upwards.

Is Yoga Good for Hip Flexors?

Yes! Performing yoga poses that target this and other hip muscles will release tight hip flexors and prevent or treat the pain related to their tension.

Hip flexor pain can stem from an injury, overuse, or even inactivity. One of the muscles within the hip joint, psoas, runs from the lower back through the pelvis to the femur bone. This muscle is an integral player in your posture and spine stability. If it becomes weak or tight it can cause pelvic or back pain.

More Ways to Treat Hip Flexor Pain

How is Yoga Different Than Other Stretches and Exercises?

Yoga’s popularity has increased over the past decade, making it a mainstream work out and stretching routine. It differs from traditional stretching and exercising by bringing in multiple elements that you just wouldn’t find elsewhere.

The poses not only stretch muscles but strengthen the core, along with hamstrings and quad muscles, while reducing lower back pain. Your movements are coordinated with your breath and you are called to become more aware of your body and its position.

More Hip Flexor Stretches

Exercises that Target Hip Strength

Tips for Your Yoga Practice

Whether you are taking yoga classes or are practicing in your home making the most of your sessions will help advance your yogi status. Before you start practicing yoga make sure you have the right gear. A quality yoga block, stretch strap, and yoga wheel will make your movements into hip openers and other poses more comfortable and safe.

  • Come prepared with a growth mindset
  • Don’t compare yourself to others
  • Set an intention at the start of your yoga practice
  • Notice how you feel throughout your movements
  • Be conscious with your breathing
  • Try different yoga teachers and classes

Try Using Massage in Conjunction to Stretching

Safe Yoga for Hip Flexor Pain

Tight hip flexors can impact your body in multiple ways, from pelvic to low back pain. This muscle group consists of the psoas muscle and others that benefit from regular yoga practice. Check out a local yoga class or use this article as a guide through hip joint opening poses that will target all the right spots.


Hip Flexor Pain Products


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