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Adventures After Sixty: Senior Travel Tips for Solo Travelers

by Jessica Hegg February 28, 2024 0 Comments

Whether you’re looking for a relaxing getaway or an unforgettable adventure, nothing beats a trip across the world. While traveling with others can be fun, traveling solo can bring just as much enjoyment into your life. As long as you remember to plan and stay organized, your next trip will be sure to be unforgettable. Take a look at these solo traveling tips for older adults.

9 Tips for Traveling Solo

Successful traveling is all about preparation. If you’re not sure where to start, take a look at our list of tips. You can find even more travel tips for seniors here.

1. Choose the Right Destination

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to traveling. It’s really about matching your interests to your abilities. For example, if you want to experience nature but aren’t up for a ten-mile hike through the Swiss Alps, finding a less challenging trek might be a better option. Make sure to consider all the options. If you’re looking for ideas to get started, here are some popular travel destinations among older adults:

  • US National parks are a great way to experience nature, with plenty of trails of varying levels of challenge.

  • An Alaskan Cruise can show you unforgettable views, without the risk and hassle of exploring a new place on foot.

  • The Caribbean Islands are perfect for those who just want to relax and soak up the sun.

  • An African Safari might sound like a challenge, though if you have your heart set on it, there’s no reason why an older adult can’t see elephants and giraffes close-up.

2. Taking Things at Your Pace

With all the thrill of seeing a new place, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and forget your limitations. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to all kinds of consequences, including injury. It doesn’t mean you can’t see and do everything on your itinerary, just make sure to take things at a steady pace. Stay aware of the distances between different landmarks, and don’t forget to take note of any uphill climbs ahead of time.

If you are planning for a hike, make sure to come prepared. A pair of trekking poles might be the perfect option.

3. Consider Joining a Tour Group

Traveling solo doesn’t have to mean staying alone the entire trip. Tour groups are a great option for anyone who wants a bit of camaraderie, but doesn’t yet have a traveling buddy. There are plenty of companies to pick from, and most of them will also handle the bulk of the planning for you. It’s the perfect way to cut down on hassle, while also taking the opportunity to meet new people on your trip.

4. Don’t Forget Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is the best way to make sure you’re prepared for the unexpected when traveling. There is a wide range of different packages available, which can cover lost luggage, medical expenses, flight cancellations, and more. While it’s a good idea for anyone to consider, it’s crucial for older adults.

5. Look Out for New Friends

Just because you’re traveling solo doesn’t mean your vacation can’t be socially enriching. You’d be surprised at how many other seniors you find abroad, from your own country and elsewhere. Try striking up a conversation and see if you can make a new friend.

Meeting people while traveling is a great way to add a bit of companionship to a solo trip, but it also has other benefits. Traveling in groups lowers the risk of getting lost or suffering from an unforeseen accident. If you don’t have a companion with you, make sure to tread carefully and always take the proper precautions.

6. Start Small and Work Your Way Up

Chasing your dreams is never a bad thing, but if you’ve never traveled abroad before, that African safari might not be the best place to start. Instead, try a destination closer to home first, or an English-speaking country across the globe. By starting with a more manageable trip, you can get the experience you need for bigger, bolder adventures.

7. Have an Emergency Plan

Even if you are seeking solitude on your trip, make sure to have a backup. Pick a friend or family member who can serve as your emergency contact. Whether you’re lost and need directions, in need of medical care, or need some emergency spending cash, having someone trustworthy a phone call away is never a bad thing. Even if you never call them, you’ll feel safer knowing they’re available.

8. Go High-Tech

Not everyone prefers to use electronic devices in their day-to-day life, but they’re a must for travelers. At the very least, have a smartphone equipped with a navigation app, and a translation app if you’re going to a non-English-speaking country. Also, make sure you test them out before leaving home. Getting in a bit of practice beforehand will make your trip that much less stressful.

9. Travel Light

Of course, it’s important to ensure that you have all your essentials available during your trip, though cutting extra bulk might simplify things too. Excess baggage makes it much harder to navigate an airport, navigate public transit, and even get to your hotel room once you’ve reached your destination. Make sure you can easily carry all your bags, or find accommodations that can transport them for you.

Mobility is key when traveling. Luckily, a folding rollator and convenient travel bag let you get the support you need wherever you go.

The Benefits of Traveling Solo

There’s no end to the benefits that come with seeing the world, whether you’re eighteen or eighty. Going solo can be the perfect way to experience everything traveling has to offer.

  • Making Memories

    Whether you’re snapping pictures, keeping a travel journal, or just experiencing the world head-on, you’ll be sure to make plenty of memories. While your trip may be over in a week or two, you’ll treasure the memories for years to come.

  • Learning About Other Cultures

    By immersing yourself in the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of another part of the globe, you can get an up close and personal view of how other people live. You may be surprised to find that life doesn’t look the same as it does back home!

  • Make Lasting Connection

    Traveling is a great opportunity to get out and meet people. That can mean chatting with the locals or making friendships with a fellow traveler.

  • Gain a Sense of Independence

    Older adults know better than anyone that independence isn’t to be taken for granted. If you’re the kind of person who likes to stay in control, planning a trip might be your new favorite hobby. It’s a great opportunity to get into the details, by booking hotels, picking restaurants, and finding deals on flights.

    Don’t forget to travel smart - check out these must-have travel essentials 

Put Our Solo Traveling Tips to Use

Traveling solo can be as big or small an adventure as you’d like it to be. Whether you’re visiting a new city in your home country, or circling the globe to see new sights, make sure to put our tips to use.

Jessica Hegg
Jessica Hegg

Jessica Hegg is the content manager and at With vast product knowledge and understanding of individual needs, she aims to share valuable information on making smart buying choices, overcoming obstacles and overall improving the quality of life for others. Avid gym-rat and nutrition enthusiast, she’s interested in all things related to staying active and living healthy lifestyle.

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